Fast Track Section (i.e., BUS 110 F01) - Indicates a fast track class. Instruction for fast track classes may be provided in a face-to-face, online, hybrid, or blended learning environment. Fast track classes are offered in a reduced time frame (less than 16 weeks). Classes either meet MORE often or meet for a LONGER class period.
Hybrid Section (i.e., ENG 111 H03) - Indicates a combination of face-to-face and online contact between the instructor and class. 51% or more of the course is taught online. Mandatory face-to-face meeting times are assigned as well as mandatory online work.
Blended Section (i.e., ACC 120 B01) - Indicates a combination of face-to-face and online contact between the instructor and class. 50% or less of the course is taught online. Mandatory face-to-face meeting times are assigned as well as mandatory work online.
Online Section (i.e., ACA 111 I2) - Indicates a completely (100%) online course offered via Blackboard. There is no face-to-face contact with the instructor or classmates. Students may enter and complete work at their convenience (in accordance with entry and assignment deadlines).